Author: uxigew

  • Ever worry about your gambling?

    Ever worry about your gambling?

    a room with 5 white steps leading up to an orange-and-white striped life preserver against a dark background; concept is steps toward changing problem gambling

    Are online gambling and sports betting new to your area? Are gambling advertisements catching your eye? Have you noticed sports and news shows covering the spread? Recent changes in laws have made gambling widely accessible, and its popularity has soared.

    Occasional bets are rarely an issue. But uncontrolled gambling can lead to financial, psychological, physical, and social consequences, some of which are extreme. Understanding whether gambling is becoming a problem in your life can help you head off the worst of these issues and refocus on having more meaning, happiness, and psychological richness in your life. Gambling screening is a good first step.

    Can you screen yourself for problem gambling?

    Yes. Screening yourself is easy. The Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (note: automatic download) is a validated way to screen for gambling disorder. It has three yes-or-no questions. Ask yourself:

    • During the past 12 months, have you become restless, irritable, or anxious when trying to stop/cut down on gambling?
    • During the past 12 months, have you tried to keep your family or friends from knowing how much you gambled?
    • During the past 12 months, did you have such financial trouble as a result of your gambling that you had to get help with living expenses from family, friends, or welfare?

    What do your answers mean?

    Answering yes to any one of these questions suggests that you are at higher risk for experiencing gambling disorder. Put simply, this is an addiction to gambling. Like other expressions of addiction, for gambling this includes loss of control, craving, and continuing despite bad consequences. Unique to gambling, it also often means chasing your losses.

    A yes doesn’t mean that you are definitely experiencing a problem with gambling. But it might be valuable for you to seek a more in-depth assessment of your gambling behavior. To find an organization or person qualified to help, ask a health care provider, your local department of public health, or an advocacy group like the National Council on Problem Gambling.

    Are you ready for change?

    Your readiness to change a behavior matters when deciding the best first steps for making a change. If someone asks you whether you want to change your gambling, what would you say?

    I never think about my gambling.

    Sometimes I think about gambling less.

    I have decided to gamble less.

    I am already trying to cut back on my gambling.

    I changed my gambling: I now do not gamble, or gamble less than before.

    Depending on your answer, you might seek out different solutions. What’s most important initially is choosing a solution that feels like the right fit for you.

    What if you don’t feel ready to change? If you haven’t thought about your gambling or only occasionally think about changing your gambling, you might explore lower intensity actions. For example, you could

    • read more about how gambling could create a problem for you
    • listen to stories of those who have lived experience with gambling disorder.

    If you are committed to making a change or are already trying to change, you might seek out more engaging resources and strategies to support those decisions, like attending self-help groups or participating in treatment.

    Read on for more details on choices you might make.

    What options for change are available if you want to continue gambling?

    If you want to keep gambling in some way, you might want to stick to lower-risk gambling guidelines:

    • gamble no more than 1% of household income
    • gamble no more than four days per month
    • avoid regularly gambling at more than two types of games, such as playing the lottery and betting on sports.

    Other ways to reduce your risk of gambling harm include:

    • Plan ahead and set your own personal limits.
    • Keep your entertainment budget in mind if you decide to gamble.
    • Consider leaving credit cards and debit cards at home and use cash instead.
    • Schedule other activities directly after your gambling to create a time limit.
    • Limit your use of alcohol and other drugs if you decide to gamble.

    What are easy first steps toward reducing or stopping gambling?

    If you’re just starting to think about change, consider learning more about gambling, problem gambling, and ways to change from

    • blogs, like The BASIS
    • books like Change Your Gambling, Change Your Life
    • podcasts like After Gambling, All-In, and Fall In, which offer expert interviews, personal recovery stories, and more.

    Some YouTube clips demystify gambling, such as how slot machines work, the limits of skill and knowledge in gambling, and how gambling can become an addiction. These sources might help you think about your own gambling in new ways, potentially identifying behaviors that you need to change.

    What are some slightly more active steps toward change?

    If you’re looking for a slightly more active approach, you can consider engaging in traditional self-help experiences such as helplines and chatlines or Gamblers Anonymous.

    Another option is self-help workbooks. Your First Step to Change is a popular workbook that provides information about problem gambling, self-screening exercises for gambling and related conditions like anxiety and depression, and change exercises to get started. A clinical trial of this resource suggested that users were more likely than others to report having recently abstained from gambling.

    Watch out for gambling misinformation

    As you investigate options, keep in mind that the quality of information available can vary and may even include misinformation. Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information. Research suggests that some common types of gambling misinformation might reinforce harmful beliefs or risky behaviors.

    For example, some gambling books, websites, and other resources exaggerate your likelihood of winning, highlight win and loss streaks as important (especially for chance-based games like slots), and suggest ways to change your luck to gain an edge. These misleading ideas can help you to believe you’re more likely to win than you actually are, and set you up for failure.

    The bottom line

    Taking a simple self-screening test can start you on a journey toward better gambling-related health. Keep in mind that change can take time and won’t necessarily be a straight path.

    If you take a step toward change and then a step back, nothing is stopping you from taking a step forward again. Talking with a care provider and getting a comprehensive assessment can help you understand whether formal treatment for gambling is a promising option for you.

    About the Author

    photo of Debi LaPlante, PhD

    Debi LaPlante, PhD, Contributor

    Dr. Debi LaPlante is director of the division on addiction at the Cambridge Health Alliance, and an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She joined the division in 2001 and is involved with its … See Full Bio View all posts by Debi LaPlante, PhD

  • Midlife ADHD? Coping strategies that can help

    Midlife ADHD? Coping strategies that can help

    A laptop sits on a desk alongside glasses, note pads, and a mug; multiple sticky notes in assorted colors are stuck to the wall adjacent to the desk.

    Trouble staying focused and paying attention are two familiar symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a common health issue among children and teens.

    When ADHD persists through early adulthood and on into middle age, it presents many of the same challenges it does in childhood: it’s hard to stay organized, start projects, stay on task, and meet deadlines. But now life is busier, and often expectations from work and family are even higher. Fortunately, there are lots of strategies that can help you navigate this time in your life.

    Staying organized

    Organizational tools are a must for people with adult ADHD. They’ll help you prioritize and track activities for each day or the coming weeks.

    • Pick the right tools. Tools can include a pen and paper to make lists, or computer or smartphone apps to set appointment reminders, highlight important days on the calendar, mark deadlines, and keep lists and other information handy.
    • Schedule updates. Set aside time each day to update your lists and schedules. Don’t let the task become a chore in itself; think of it like a routine task such as brushing your teeth, and do it daily so it becomes an established habit.
    • Set a timer. And a word of caution: smartphones and computers can also turn into a distraction. If you have adult ADHD, you may find yourself spending hours looking at less useful apps or sites. If that’s a frequent trap for you, set a timer for each use or keep the phone off or in another room when you are trying to work.

    Staying focused

    Just being organized doesn’t mean your work will get done. But a few simple approaches can at least make it easier to do the work.

    • Declutter your home and office. Give yourself an appealing work environment and keep important items easily accessible.
    • Reduce distractions. This could mean changing your workstation so it doesn’t face a window, moving to a quieter space, or just silencing your smartphone and email alerts.
    • Jot down ideas as they come to you. You may have an “aha” moment for one task while you’re in the middle of another. That’s okay; just write down that thought and get back to it later, after your more pressing work is finished.

    Meeting deadlines

    Deadlines pose two big challenges when you have adult ADHD. First, it’s hard to start a project, often because you want it to be perfect, or you’re intimidated by it so you put it off. Second, when you do start a project, it’s very easy to become distracted and leave the task unfinished.

    How can you avoid these traps?

    • Put off procrastinating. Put procrastination on your to-do list — like a chore — and fool yourself into actually starting your work.
    • Deal with emails, phone calls, or other matters as soon as you can. That way there will be fewer things hanging over your head and overwhelming you later on.
    • Be a clock watcher. Get a watch and get in the habit of using it. The more aware you are of time, the more likely you’ll be able to avoid spending too long on a task.
    • Take one thing at a time. Multitasking is overrated for everyone — and it’s a nightmare for people with adult ADHD. Focus on completing one task, then move on to the next.
    • Be realistic about your time. This can mean having to say no to new projects or other commitments.

    Get more help

    The ideas listed here can help you start coping with adult ADHD, but they may not be enough to help you overcome adult ADHD’s challenges.

    Consider hiring an ADHD coach who can provide more strategies and give you additional tools to cope with your condition. Look for an ADHD coach who is a licensed mental health professional who specializes in treating ADHD, and may also have a certification in ADHD coaching from the ADHD Coaches Organization.

    About the Author

    photo of Heidi Godman

    Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

    Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years. Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio View all posts by Heidi Godman

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

  • Do tattoos cause lymphoma?

    Do tattoos cause lymphoma?

    A light shining on a black and dark blue sign that says "Tatooo" in white letters and has an arrow pointing to a doorway

    Not so long ago, a friend texted me from a coffee shop. He said, "I can't believe it. I'm the only one here without a tattoo!" That might not seem surprising: a quick glance around practically anywhere people gather shows that tattoos are widely popular.

    Nearly one-third of adults in the US have a tattoo, according to a Pew Research Center survey, including more than half of women ages 18 to 49. These numbers have increased dramatically over the last 20 years: around 21% of US adults in 2012 and 16% of adults in 2003 reported having at least one tattoo.

    If you're among them, some recent headlines may have you worried:

                  Study Finds That Tattoos Can Increase Your Risk of Lymphoma (OnlyMyHealth)

                  Getting a Tattoo Puts You At Higher Risk of Cancer, Claims Study (NDTV)

                  Inky waters: Tattoos increase risk of lymphoma by over 20%, study says (

                  Shocking study reveals tattoos may increase risk of lymphoma by 20% (Fox News)

    What study are they talking about? And how concerned should you be? Let's go through it together. One thing is clear: there's much more to this story than the headlines.

    Why are researchers studying a possible link between tattoos and lymphoma?

    Lymphoma is a type of cancer that starts in the lymphatic system, a network of vessels and lymph nodes that twines throughout the body. With about 90,000 newly diagnosed cases a year, lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer.

    Risk factors for it include:

    • advancing age
    • certain infections (such as Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, and hepatitis C)
    • exposure to certain chemicals (such as benzene, or possibly pesticides)
    • family history of lymphoma
    • exposure to radiation (such as nuclear reactor accidents or after radiation therapy)
    • having an impaired immune system
    • certain immune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's disease, or celiac disease).

    Tattoos are not known to be a cause or risk factor for lymphoma. But there are several reasons to wonder if there might be a connection:

    • Ink injected under the skin to create a tattoo contains several chemicals classified as carcinogenic (cancer causing).
    • Pigment from tattoo ink can be found in enlarged lymph nodes within weeks of getting a tattoo.
    • Immune cells in the skin can react to the chemicals in tattoo ink and travel to nearby lymph nodes, triggering a bodywide immune reaction.
    • Other triggers of lymphoma, such as pesticides, have a similar effect on immune cells in lymph nodes.

    Is there a connection between tattoos and lymphoma?

    Any potential connection between tattoos and lymphoma has not been well studied. I could find only two published studies exploring the possibility, and neither found evidence of a compelling link.

    The first study compared 737 people with the most common type of lymphoma (called non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) with otherwise similar people who did not have lymphoma. The researchers found no significant difference in the frequency of tattoos between the two groups.

    A study published in May 2024 — the one that triggered the scary headlines above — was larger. It compared 1,398 people ages 20 to 60 who had lymphoma with 4,193 people who did not have lymphoma but who were otherwise similar. The study found that

    • lymphoma was 21% more common among those with tattoos
    • lymphoma risk varied depending on how much time had passed since getting the tattoo:
      • within two years, lymphoma risk was 81% higher
      • between three and 10 years, no definite increased lymphoma risk was detected
      • 11 or more years after getting a tattoo, lymphoma risk was 19%

    There was no correlation between the size or number of tattoos and lymphoma risk.

    What else should you know about the study?

    Importantly, nearly all of the differences in rates of lymphoma between people with and without tattoos were not statistically significant. That means the reported link between lymphoma and tattoos is questionable — and quite possibly observed by chance. In fact, some of the other findings argue against a connection, such as the lack of a link between size or number of tattoos and lymphoma risk.

    In addition, if tattoos significantly increase a person's risk of developing lymphoma, we might expect lymphoma rates in the US to be rising along with the popularity of tattoos. Yet that's not the case.

    Finally, a study like this one (called an association study) cannot prove that a potential trigger of disease (in this case, tattoos) actually caused the disease (lymphoma). There may be other factors (called confounders) that are more common among people who have tattoos, and those factors might account for the higher lymphoma risk.

    Do tattoos come with other health risks?

    While complication rates from reputable and appropriately certified tattooists are low, there are health risks associated with tattoos:

    • infection, including bacterial skin infections or viral hepatitis
    • allergic reactions to the ink
    • scarring
    • rarely, skin cancer (melanoma and other types of skin cancer).

    The bottom line

    Despite headlines suggesting a link between tattoos and the risk of lymphoma, there's no convincing evidence it's true. We'll need significantly more research to say much more than that. In the meantime, there are more important health concerns to worry about and much better ways for all of us to reduce cancer risk.

    About the Author

    photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

    Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD

  • How well do you worry about your health?

    How well do you worry about your health?

    Overlapping, crowded emojis looking worried, suprised, uncertain, upset, happy, etc, in bright yellow, black, & shades of red

    Don’t worry. It’s good advice if you can take it. Of course that’s not always easy, especially for health concerns.

    The truth is: it’s impossible (and ill-advised) to never worry about your health. But are you worrying about the right things? Let’s compare a sampling of common worries to the most common conditions that actually shorten lives. Then we can think about preventing the biggest health threats.

    Dangerous but rare health threats

    The comedian John Mulaney says the cartoons he watched as a child gave him the impression that quicksand, anvils falling from the sky, and lit sticks of dynamite represented major health risks. For him (as is true for most of us), none of these turned out to be worth worrying about.

    While harm can befall us in many ways, some of our worries are not very likely to occur:

    • Harm by lightning: In the US, lightning strikes kill about 25 people each year. Annually, the risk for the average person less than one in a million. There are also several hundred injuries due to nonfatal lightning strikes. Even though lightning strikes the earth millions of times each year, the chances you’ll be struck are quite low.
    • Dying in a plane crash: The yearly risk of being killed in a plane crash for the average American is about one in 11 million. Of course, the risk is even lower if you never fly, and higher if you regularly fly on small planes in bad weather with inexperienced pilots. By comparison, the average yearly risk of dying in a car accident is approximately 1 in 5,000.
    • Snakebite injuries and deaths: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bit by poisonous snakes each year in the US. Lasting injuries are uncommon, and deaths are quite rare (about five per year). In parts of the country where no poisonous snakes live, the risk is essentially zero.
    • Shark attacks: As long as people aren’t initiating contact with sharks, attacks are fairly uncommon. Worldwide, about 70 unprovoked shark attacks occur in an average year, six of which are fatal. In 2022, 41 attacks occurred in the US, two of which were fatal.
    • Public toilet seats: They may appear unclean (or even filthy), but they pose little or no health risk to the average person. While it’s reasonable to clean off the seat and line it with paper before touching down, health fears should not discourage you from using a public toilet.

    I’m not suggesting that these pose no danger, especially if you’re in situations of increased risk. If you’re on a beach where sharks have been sighted and seals are nearby, it’s best not to swim there. When in doubt, it’s a good idea to apply common sense and err on the side of safety.

    What do Google and TikTok tell us about health concerns?

    Analyzing online search topics can tell us a lot about our health worries.

    The top Google health searches in 2023 were:

    • How long is strep throat contagious?
    • How contagious is strep throat?
    • How to lower cholesterol?
    • What helps with bloating?
    • What causes low blood pressure?

    Really? Cancer, heart disease and stroke, or COVID didn’t reach the top five? High blood pressure didn’t make the list, but low blood pressure did?

    Meanwhile, on TikTok the most common topics searched were exercise, diet, and sexual health, according to one study. Again, no top-of-the-list searches on the most common and deadly diseases.

    How do our worries compare with the top causes of death?

    In the US, these five conditions took the greatest number of lives in 2022:

    • heart disease
    • cancer
    • unintentional injury (including motor vehicle accidents, drug overdoses, and falls)
    • COVID-19
    • stroke.

    This list varies by age. For example, guns are the leading cause of death among children and teenagers (ages 1 to 19). For older teens (ages 15 to 19), the top three causes of death were accidents, homicide, and suicide.

    Perhaps the lack of overlap between leading causes of death and most common online health-related searches isn’t surprising. Younger folks drive more searches and may not have heart disease, cancer, or stroke at top of mind. In addition, online searches might reflect day-to-day concerns (how soon can my child return to school after having strep throat?) rather than long-term conditions, such as heart disease or cancer. And death may not be the most immediate health outcome of interest.

    But the disconnect suggests to me that we may be worrying about the wrong things — and focusing too little on the biggest health threats.

    Transforming worry into action

    Most of us can safely worry less about catching something from a toilet seat or shark attacks. Instead, take steps to reduce the risks you face from our biggest health threats. Chipping away at these five goals could help you live longer and better while easing unnecessary worry:

    • Choose a heart-healthy diet.
    • Get routinely recommended health care, including blood pressure checks and cancer screens, such as screening for colorectal cancer.
    • Drive more safely. Obey the speed limit, drive defensively, always wear a seatbelt, and don’t drive if you’ve been drinking.
    • Don’t smoke. If you need to quit, find help.
    • Get regular exercise.

    The bottom line

    Try not to focus too much on health risks that are unlikely to affect you. Instead, think about common causes of poor health. Then take measures to reduce your risk. Moving more and adding healthy foods to your meals is a great start.

    And in case you’re curious, the average number of annual deaths due to quicksand is zero in the US. Still a bit worried? Fine, here’s a video that shows you how to save yourself from quicksand even though you’ll almost certainly never need it.

    About the Author

    photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

    Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD

  • Do parasocial relationships fill a loneliness gap?

    Do parasocial relationships fill a loneliness gap?

    illustration showing multiple overlapping silhouettes of people using smartphones, in bright colors against a dark blue background

    Do you follow certain social media creators, music artists, actors, athletes, or other famous people? Are you a huge fan of particular fictional characters from a book, TV show, or movie? Perhaps you check in with them daily because you feel a connection, care about them, or just love keeping up with the minutiae of their lives.

    These one-sided emotional ties to people you don't actually know (or those who don't actually exist) are called parasocial relationships. Like all relationships, they come with risks and benefits, says Arthur C. Brooks, a social scientist, best-selling author, and professor at both the Harvard Kennedy School and the Harvard Business School.

    Why do we develop parasocial relationships?

    Parasocial relationships tend to occur because of our natural tendency to link to others.

    "Humans have evolved to thrive in groups, probably because 250,000 years ago you needed to rely on other people to survive by building social relationships. And so we become attracted to and care about people if we have a regular enough exposure to them," says Brooks.

    We are all exposed regularly to tiny details about celebrities and fictional characters, watching their days unfold on social media or learning about them from a TV show or book. What hooks us is the emotional connection, especially if the person is exciting or compelling.

    "That's the secret to the success of the Harry Potter book series and the TV show Breaking Bad. The writing is supposed to engage you emotionally," Brooks says. "People can form a bond even if the characters are psychopaths."

    The upsides of parasocial relationships

    Parasocial relationships can be a nice complement to your life. They might entertain you, inspire you, educate you, or bring you comfort. You might feel less lonely or like you're part of a tight group or a cultural moment, a feeling the shows Friends and Game of Thrones fostered for many people.

    Bonding emotionally with famous or fictional people might also shape people's values. For example, children might learn lessons about right and wrong from characters they connect with on shows such as Sesame Street or Bluey. Teens or adults might feel moved to work harder if they're attached to champion athletes, or do good deeds if they admire selfless leaders.

    One study of more than 300 people ages 18 to 35 even found that parasocial relationships might help reduce the stigma of mental health conditions. All participants watched one video of someone who shared personal information aimed at creating a social bond. Then, some participants also watched a video of the content creator sharing his challenges with bipolar disorder. Those who saw both videos scored lower on measures of prejudice about mental health conditions than those who only saw the first video.

    The downsides of parasocial relationships

    While parasocial relationships can enrich your life, these one-sided affairs can also hurt you.

    • They won't love you back. "They're like fake food. They taste good, but they have no nutritional content and won't meet your needs. You need to love and be loved in return to thrive," Brooks says.
    • They might contribute to loneliness and isolation if you rely on them too much. Loneliness and isolation are linked to increased risks of many chronic health problems such as depression, anxiety, dementia, and heart disease, and even premature death.
    • They might have a negative influence on you. Are you picking up unhealthy ideas from the people you follow? Brooks says this should be a special concern for parents whose kids have parasocial relationships: The messages kids glean might be at odds with your values — perhaps because they are controversial political or adult themes.

    Navigating parasocial relationships

    A dollop of parasocial relationships in your life is fine as long as they don't crowd out real-life bonds or warp your thinking and values. But how would you know if this was becoming an issue?

    Two red alerts:

    • Ask yourself if you're too attached. For example, are you skipping dinner with friends because you prefer watching a TV show with a character you care about and want to connect with?
    • Be wary. "If someone is trying to brainwash you, saying, 'I'm your friend, you can trust me,' that person is using a personal social bond to get you to do something — like vote a certain way," Brooks says. He points out that social media stars try to establish parasocial relationships with followers to get more clicks and make money. "That's what the new economy is all about — monetizing parasocial relationships on a mass scale," Brooks says.

    Shifting from parasocial relationship to deeper connections

    Parasocial relationships fill a need. Social scrolling, streaming shows, or following celebs may tamp down loneliness or offer curated moments of joy and connection. But if you're leaning too hard on these one-sided relationships, Brooks advises taking a hard look at what's missing from your life.

    Forging warm connections in real life is worthwhile, though it isn't always easy. "It's a tall order for people who are shut-ins or introverted or don't have social skills, but you can start small. Have dinner with a friend. Spend more time with your family. Get more human eye contact. Touch, such as a hug, releases the bonding hormone oxytocin in the brain," Brooks suggests. "You'll care less about the characters and get what you really need."

    About the Author

    photo of Heidi Godman

    Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

    Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years. Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio View all posts by Heidi Godman

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

  • Which migraine medications are most helpful?

    Which migraine medications are most helpful?

    A head and shoulders view of a woman with eyes closed and storm clouds with lightening suggesting pain circling her head; concept is migraine

    If you suffer from the throbbing, intense pain set off by migraine headaches, you may well wonder which medicines are most likely to offer relief. A recent study suggests a class of drugs called triptans are the most helpful option, with one particular drug rising to the top.

    The study drew on real-world data gleaned from more than three million entries on My Migraine Buddy, a free smartphone app. The app lets users track their migraine attacks and rate the helpfulness of any medications they take.

    Dr. Elizabeth Loder, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and chief of the Division of Headache at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, helped break down what the researchers looked at and learned that could benefit anyone with migraines.

    What did the migraine study look at?

    Published in the journal Neurology, the study included self-reported data from about 278,000 people (mostly women) over a six-year period that ended in July 2020. Using the app, participants rated migraine treatments they used as “helpful,” “somewhat helpful,” or “unhelpful.”

    The researchers looked at 25 medications from seven drug classes to see which were most helpful for easing migraines. After triptans, the next most helpful drug classes were ergots such as dihydroergotamine (Migranal, Trudhesa) and anti-emetics such as promethazine (Phenergan). The latter help ease nausea, another common migraine symptom.

    “I’m always happy to see studies conducted in a real-world setting, and this one is very clever,” says Dr. Loder. The results validate current guideline recommendations for treating migraines, which rank triptans as a first-line choice. “If you had asked me to sit down and make a list of the most helpful migraine medications, it would be very similar to what this study found,” she says.

    What else did the study show about migraine pain relievers?

    Ibuprofen, an over-the-counter pain reliever sold as Advil and Motrin, was the most frequently used medication in the study. But participants rated it “helpful” only 42% of the time. Only acetaminophen (Tylenol) was less helpful, helping just 37% of the time. A common combination medication containing aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine (sold under the brand name Excedrin) worked only slightly better than ibuprofen, or about half the time.

    When researchers compared helpfulness of other drugs to ibuprofen, they found:

    • Triptans scored five to six times more helpful than ibuprofen. The highest ranked drug, eletriptan, helped 78% of the time. Other triptans, including zolmitriptan (Zomig) and sumatriptan (Imitrex), were helpful 74% and 72% of the time, respectively. In practice, notes Dr. Loder, eletriptan seems to be just a tad better than the other triptans.
    • Ergots were rated as three times more helpful than ibuprofen.
    • Anti-emetics were 2.5 times as helpful as ibuprofen.

    Do people take more than one medicine to ease migraine symptoms?

    In this study, two-thirds of migraine attacks were treated with just one drug. About a quarter of the study participants used two drugs, and a smaller number used three or more drugs.

    However, researchers weren’t able to tease out the sequence of when people took the drugs. And with anti-nausea drugs, it’s not clear if people were rating their helpfulness on nausea rather than headache, Dr. Loder points out. But it’s a good reminder that for many people who have migraines, nausea and vomiting are a big problem. When that’s the case, different drug formulations can help.

    Are pills the only option for migraine relief?

    No. For the headache, people can use a nasal spray or injectable version of a triptan rather than pills. Pre-filled syringes, which are injected into the thigh, stomach, or upper arm, are underused among people who have very rapid-onset migraines, says Dr. Loder. “For these people, injectable triptans are a game changer because pills don’t work as fast and might not stay down,” she says.

    For nausea, the anti-emetic ondansetron (Zofran) is very effective, but one of the side effects is headache. You’re better off using promethazine or prochlorperazine (Compazine), both of which treat nausea but also help ease headache pain, says Dr. Loder.

    Additionally, many anti-nausea drugs are available as rectal suppositories. This is especially helpful for people who have “crash” migraines, which often cause people to wake up vomiting with a migraine, she adds.

    What are the limitations of this migraine study?

    The data didn’t include information about the timing, sequence, formulation, or dosage of the medications. It also omitted two classes of newer migraine medications — known as gepants and ditans — because there was only limited data on them at the time of the study. These options include

    • atogepant (Qulipta) and rimegepant (Nurtec)
    • lasmiditan (Reyvow).

    “But based on my clinical experience, I don’t think that any of these drugs would do a lot better than the triptans,” says Dr. Loder.

    Another shortcoming is the study population: a selected group of people who are able and motivated to use a migraine smartphone app. That suggests their headaches are probably worse than the average person, but that’s exactly the population for whom this information is needed, says Dr. Loder.

    “Migraines are most common in young, healthy people who are trying to work and raise children,” she says. It’s good to know that people using this app rate triptans highly, because from a medical point of view, these drugs are well tolerated and have few side effects, she adds.

    Are there other helpful takeaways?

    Yes. In the study, nearly half the participants said their pain wasn’t adequately treated. A third reported using more than one medicine to manage their migraines.

    If you experience these problems, consult a health care provider who can help you find a more effective therapy. “If you’re using over-the-counter drugs, consider trying a prescription triptan,” Dr. Loder says. If nausea and vomiting are a problem for you, be sure to have an anti-nausea drug on hand.

    She also recommends using the Migraine Buddy app or the Canadian Migraine Tracker app (both are free), which many of her patients find helpful for tracking their headaches and triggers.

    About the Author

    photo of Julie Corliss

    Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

    Julie Corliss is the executive editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. Before working at Harvard, she was a medical writer and editor at HealthNews, a consumer newsletter affiliated with The New England Journal of Medicine. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Julie Corliss

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

  • Feel like you should be drinking less? Start here

    Feel like you should be drinking less? Start here

    White notebook with a yellow sticky note that says Drink Less! pinned to the page by a red thumbtack.

    When experts talk about the dangers of excessive drinking, we often assume those warnings apply mostly to people with alcohol use disorder, a health issue sometimes referred to as alcoholism.

    But people who don’t meet formal criteria for this disorder can still experience toxic effects and suffer other serious harms from alcohol, says Dr. John F. Kelly, professor of psychiatry in addiction medicine at Harvard Medical School. And as research turns up new evidence about alcohol, many people are considering the benefits of drinking less, even if they’re not ready to stop imbibing entirely.

    How does alcohol affect the body?

    That depends on how much you drink. Drinking more than moderate amounts of alcohol (defined as one drink per day for women and two for men) increases your risk for developing

    • liver disease
    • several types of cancer including breast, liver, and colon cancer
    • cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation.

    What if you’re not drinking daily? “Even people who only drink on weekends can have serious accidents if they become intoxicated — for example, by falling or driving under the influence,” says Dr. Kelly.

    What’s more, growing evidence suggests that even small amounts of alcohol may harm your health.

    How could cutting down on alcohol help you?

    If you’re not ready to give up drinking entirely, cutting back can lower the likelihood of all of these harms. For example, cutting down on alcohol, or stopping entirely, is linked with lower cancer risks, according to a report from the American Association for Cancer Research.

    You might also notice some immediate benefits, like sleeping more soundly, memory improvements, and generally feeling more mentally sharp. And because you’ll be taking in fewer calories, you may also shed some weight.

    Ready to try cutting back on alcohol? Start here

    These five suggestions are a great way to start cutting back.

    Keep a drinking diary

    Tracking how much alcohol you drink and when can help you target your efforts to drink less. It’s also a good idea to put your reasons for cutting back in writing: for example, “I’d like to sleep better,” “I feel sharper,” “Better heart health is important to me.” That practice can reinforce your resolve to follow through with your plan.

    Try alcohol-free days — or even a month of not drinking

    Taking a break from alcohol can be a good way to start, allowing your brain and body to recalibrate. Decide not to drink a day or two each week. You may want to abstain for a week or a month, to see how you feel physically and emotionally without alcohol in your life. Consider doing Sober October — a variation of Dry January.

    Drink slowly and with food

    Sip your drink. Alternate alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic alternatives like sparkling water, soda, or juice. Don’t drink on an empty stomach, because you’ll feel intoxicated more quickly. That can lower your inhibitions and break your resolve to stick to lower amounts of alcohol, Dr. Kelly says. Drinking with a meal slows alcohol absorption and appears to minimize the drug’s health risks.

    Try low-alcohol or zero-alcohol substitutes

    Alcohol-free beer, nonalcoholic distilled spirits, and similar products have become more widely available in recent years. It’s a result of the alcohol industry’s response to stay profitable, as health harms of small amounts of alcohol have been confirmed and the sober curious movement gains momentum.

    If you drink beer, wine spritzers, hard seltzer, or similar products, check the alcohol content

    While light beers have fewer calories, they don’t necessarily have much less alcohol than regular beer. The average light beer is about 4.3% alcohol, versus 5.0% in regular beer.

    Also, be aware that some craft or specialty beers contain far higher amounts of alcohol — up to 12% or 14% or even higher. Beverages that combine wine or hard liquor with seltzer or other mixers also vary widely in their alcohol content.

    Cut down on temptation

    Two more tips can help you meet success when changing drinking habits.

    Don’t keep alcohol in your house. Making your home an alcohol-free zone takes away the risk of immediate temptation.

    Avoid temptation. Steer clear of people and places that make you want to drink. If you associate drinking with certain events, such as holidays or vacations, make a plan for managing these situations in advance. Check in with your feelings. When you’re worried, lonely, or angry, you might be tempted to reach for a drink. “Think about other ways you might alleviate those feelings, such as going for a walk or calling a friend,” Dr. Kelly suggests.

    Finally, try this interactive tool from the CDC, which can help you make a personalized plan to drink less.

    About the Author

    photo of Julie Corliss

    Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter

    Julie Corliss is the executive editor of the Harvard Heart Letter. Before working at Harvard, she was a medical writer and editor at HealthNews, a consumer newsletter affiliated with The New England Journal of Medicine. She … See Full Bio View all posts by Julie Corliss

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

  • Want a calmer brain? Try this

    Want a calmer brain? Try this

    An older man calmly meditatating while seated in a sunny spot with eyes closed and a slight smile; hanging flowers in the background

    For neuroscientist Sara Lazar, a form of meditation called open awareness is as fundamental to her day as breathing.

    “I just become aware that I am aware, with no particular thing that I focus on,” explains Lazar, an associate researcher in the psychiatry department at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School. “This sort of practice helps me become more aware of the subtle thoughts and emotions that briefly flit by, that we usually ignore but are quite useful to tune into.”

    But meditation doesn’t just change your perspective in the moment. Some studies show certain types of meditation offer an array of benefits, from easing chronic pain and stress and lowering high blood pressure to help relieve anxiety and depression. And, as Lazar’s research has shown, meditation can actually change the structure and connectivity of brain areas that help us cope with fear and anxiety.

    “It’s become really clear that all of our experiences shape our brain in one way or another,” Lazar says. “A lot of people talk about meditation being a mental exercise. Just as you build your physical muscles, you can build your calm muscles. Meditation is a very effective way of training those muscles.”

    What counts as meditation?

    More than you might have believed. An intriguing if somewhat perplexing aspect of meditation is that it encompasses a broad range of practices. “It’s clear what is not meditation, but there’s less consensus on what it is,” Lazar says.

    Open awareness, Lazar’s go-to meditation, joins other forms, including focused awareness, slow deep breathing, guided meditation, and mantra meditation, along with many variations. At their core, Lazar says, is an awareness of the moment, noticing what you’re experiencing and nonjudgmentally disengaging from intrusive thoughts that might interfere with your ability to attend to this task.

    Meditation can also involve sitting with eyes closed and paying attention to your body and any sensations that are present. A regular meditation practice typically involves slowing down, breathing, and observing inner experience.

    “Meditation can involve flickering candles, breath awareness, or mantras — all of these things,” Lazar says. “But there’s definitely an element of focusing and regulating your attention.”

    A close look at how meditation alters the brain

    Small MRI imaging studies have zeroed in meditation’s effects on the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure deep within the brain that processes fear and anxiety as well as other emotions.

    Lazar and her colleagues have spent many years laying the groundwork to show how practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) alters the amygdala after only about two months. The MBSR practice in this research consisted of weekly group meetings and daily home mindfulness practices, including sitting meditation and yoga.

    What has their research found?

    One key study involved 26 people with high levels of perceived stress. After an eight-week regimen of MBSR, brain scans showed the density of their amygdalae decreased, and these brain changes correlated to lower reported stress levels.

    Building on this, Lazar and colleagues designed a study that focused on 26 people diagnosed with generalized anxiety, a disorder marked by excessive, ongoing, and often illogical anxiety levels. The researchers randomized participants to either practice MBSR or receive stress management education. These participants were compared to 26 healthy participants.

    In this first-of-its-kind research, participants were shown a series of images with angry or neutral facial expressions while their brain activity was gauged using functional MRI imaging. At the beginning of the study, anxiety patients showed higher levels of amygdala activation in response to neutral faces than healthy participants. This suggests a stronger fear response to a nonthreatening situation.

    But after eight weeks of MBSR, MRI imaging showed increased connections between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex, a brain area crucial to emotional regulation. The amygdalae in participants with generalized anxiety no longer displayed a fear response to neutral faces. These participants also reported their symptoms had improved.

    “It seems meditation helps to down-regulate the amygdala in response to things it perceives to be threatening,” Lazar says.

    How can meditation benefits help us in daily life?

    Lazar believes training your brain to stop and notice your thoughts in a slightly detached way can calm you amidst the muddle of work deadlines, family friction, or distressing news.

    “That’s one of the biggest translations” of meditation to everyday benefits, she says. “The person or situation that is stressing you out won’t go away, but you can watch your reactivity to the situation in a mindful, detached way, which shifts your relationship to it.”

    “It’s not indifference,” she adds. “It’s sort of like a bubble bursting — you realize you don’t need to keep going on this loop. Once you see that, it totally shifts your relationship to that reaction bubbling through your brain.”

    Want to try meditation — or expand your practice?

    Haven’t tried meditating? To get started, Lazar recommends the Three-Minute Breathing Space Meditation. This offers a quick taste of meditation, walking you through three pared-down but distinct steps. “It’s simple, fast, and anyone can do it,” she says.

    Simple ways to expand this basic approach are:

    • adding minutes, just as you might for exercise
    • meditating outdoors
    • pausing to notice how you feel after you meditate.

    “Or try either doing a longer session or short hits throughout the day, such as a three-minute breathing break four to five times a day,” Lazar suggests.

    Another way to enhance your practice is to use ordinary, repetitive moments throughout the day — such as reaching for a doorknob — as a cue to pause for five seconds and notice the sensation of your hand on the knob.

    “As you walk from your office to your car, for instance, instead of thinking of all the things you have to do, you can be mindful while you’re walking,” Lazar says. “Feel the sunshine and the pavement under your feet. There are simple ways to work meditation into each day.”

    About the Author

    photo of Maureen Salamon

    Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

    Maureen Salamon is executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She began her career as a newspaper reporter and later covered health and medicine for a wide variety of websites, magazines, and hospitals. Her work has … See Full Bio View all posts by Maureen Salamon

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

  • Does drinking water before meals really help you lose weight?

    Does drinking water before meals really help you lose weight?

    A stream of water pouring into and splashing around a tall glass with ice against blue background; concept is water and weight

    If you’ve ever tried to lose excess weight, you’ve probably gotten this advice: drink more water. Or perhaps it was more specific: drink a full glass of water before each meal.

    The second suggestion seems like a reasonable idea, right? If you fill your stomach with water before eating, you’ll feel fuller and stop eating sooner. But did that work for you? Would drinking more water throughout the day work? Why do people say drinking water can help with weight loss — and what does the evidence show?

    Stretching nerves, burning calories, and thirst versus hunger

    Three top theories are:

    Feel full, eat less. As noted, filling up on water before meals has intuitive appeal. Your stomach has nerves that sense stretch and send signals to the brain that it’s time to stop eating. Presumably, drinking before a meal could send similar signals.

    • The evidence: Some small, short-term studies support this idea. For example, older study subjects who drank a full glass of water before meals tended to eat less than those who didn’t. Another study found that people following a low-calorie diet who drank extra water before meals had less appetite and more weight loss over 12 weeks than those on a similar diet without the extra water. But neither study assessed the impact of drinking extra water on long-term weight loss.

    Burning off calories. The water we drink must be heated up to body temperature, a process requiring the body to expend energy. The energy spent on this — called thermogenesis — could offset calories from meals.

    • The evidence: Though older studies provided some support for this explanation, more recent studies found no evidence that drinking water burned off many calories. That calls the thermogenesis explanation for water-induced weight loss into question.

    You’re not hungry, you’re thirsty. This explanation suggests that sometimes we head to the kitchen for something to eat when we’re actually thirsty rather than hungry. If that’s the case, drinking calorie-free water can save us from consuming unnecessary calories — and that could promote weight loss.

    • The evidence: The regulation of thirst and hunger is complex and varies over a person’s lifespan. For example, thirst may be dulled in older adults. But I could find no convincing studies in humans supporting the notion that people who are thirsty misinterpret the sensation for hunger, or that this is why drinking water might help with weight loss.

    Exercise booster, no-cal substitution, and burning fat demands water

    Being well-hydrated improves exercise capacity and thus weight loss. Muscle fatigue, cramping, and heat exhaustion can all be brought on by dehydration. That’s why extra hydration before exercise may be recommended, especially for elite athletes exercising in warm environments.

    • The evidence: For most people, hydrating before exercises seems unnecessary, and I could find no studies specifically examining the role of hydration to exercise-related weight loss.

    Swapping out high calorie drinks with water. Yes, if you usually drink high-calorie beverages (such as sweetened sodas, fruit juice, or alcohol), consistently replacing them with water can aid weight loss over time.

    • The evidence: A dramatic reduction in calorie intake by substituting water for higher-calorie beverages could certainly lead to long-term weight loss. While it’s hard to design a study to prove this, indirect evidence suggests a link between substituting water for high-cal beverages and weight loss. Even so, just as calorie-restricting diets are hard to stick with over the long term, following a water-only plan may be easier said than done.

    Burning fat requires water. Dehydration impairs the body’s ability to break down fat for fuel. So, perhaps drinking more water will encourage fat breakdown and, eventually, weight loss.

    • The evidence: Though some animal studies support the idea, I could find no compelling evidence from human studies that drinking extra water helps burn fat as a means to lose excess weight.

    The bottom line

    So, should you bump up hydration by drinking water before or during meals, or even at other times during the day?

    Some evidence does suggest this might aid weight loss, at least for some people. But those studies are mostly small or short-term, or based on animal data. Even positive studies only found modest benefits.

    That said, if you think it’s working for you, there’s little downside to drinking a bit more water, other than the challenge of trying to drink if you aren’t particularly thirsty. My take? Though plenty of people recommend this approach, it seems based on a theory that doesn’t hold water.

    About the Author

    photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

    Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD

  • Color-changing eye drops: Are they safe?

    Color-changing eye drops: Are they safe?

    Illustration of an eye with wedges of many different colors in the iris, surrounded by the white of the eye, against a dark background.

    As the adage goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. So what does it mean to wish yours were a different color?

    Apparently enough people share this desire to create a bustling market for color-changing eye drops, which are making the rounds through social media and online retailers.

    Personalizing eye color might sound tempting, especially for younger people and those who enjoy experimenting with elements of fashion or style. But are over-the-counter, color-changing eye drops safe? The answer is a hard no, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), which recently issued a warning against “eye color-changing solutions.”

    Why shouldn’t you try color-changing eye drops?

    Color-changing eye drops aren’t approved by the FDA, haven’t been tested for safety or effectiveness, and could potentially damage people’s eyes, the AAO warns.

    “It might seem benign when you see a product like this online,” says Dr. Michael Boland, an associate professor of ophthalmology and glaucoma specialist at Harvard-affiliated Mass Eye and Ear. “People think, ‘Why not try it?’.” “But there’s no way to know what’s in these bottles and no oversight over how they’re being made.”

    How do the eye drops work?

    That’s not clear. Companies manufacturing the drops claim the products adjust levels of melanin in the iris, the colored portion of the eyeball. Purportedly, the effects begin to be visible within hours and can last for a week or longer. If a user wants enduring results, they’ll need to continue using the product.

    But these claims skirt a complete lack of evidence that the drops have any effects on the iris, much less the desired effects, Dr. Boland says.

    “I’ve found zero descriptions of how they work in terms of a plausible mechanism,” he says. The ingredients list includes things that might be found in other eye drops or drugs or even cosmetics, but nothing that would actually change your eye color.”

    How might the drops hurt your eyes?

    The AAO lists a variety of potential safety risks from using these products or any other unregulated eye drops, including:

    • inflammation
    • infection
    • light sensitivity
    • increased eye pressure or glaucoma
    • permanent vision loss.

    “All of those problems are possible, since we don’t have any real idea what’s in these bottles,” Dr. Boland says. “The biggest concern is damage to the cornea, the clear part of the front of the eye. If the cornea is damaged by the chemicals in those bottles, you might lose vision.”

    Are there safe alternatives to change eye color?

    Still hankering for a way to get, say, Taylor Swift’s electric blue eyes or Julia Roberts’ golden brown peepers? There is a trustworthy option, Dr. Boland says: colored contact lenses. But he recommends choosing that option with caution.

    “Professionally prescribed and dispensed contact lenses are a safe way to change your eye color,” he says. “But don’t buy them online. Get them from a reputable source to make sure they’ve been regulated and evaluated as safe, because contacts can damage the eye if they’re not designed properly or kept clean.”

    About the Author

    photo of Maureen Salamon

    Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

    Maureen Salamon is executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She began her career as a newspaper reporter and later covered health and medicine for a wide variety of websites, magazines, and hospitals. Her work has … See Full Bio View all posts by Maureen Salamon

    About the Reviewer

    photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

    Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

    Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD